1 min read
On Bibliotherapy - Book prescriptions

My foster mother was a librarian, I read A LOT as a child. Reading is healing.

The same way how reading a passage of text about someone getting fit by running can make you feel good as you imagine it, prescribed reading in consultation with the client with view to their current situation, can be used in conjunction with writing therapy to yield excellent results. Reflecting on how we felt reading different sections of the book, talking about the feelings it evokes, why we like it or why we don’t, how it speaks to us, where it resonates, what else it makes you think of, how it connects into everyday life, this tumble of stream of consciousness questions that is wonderful to uncover via journaling on the topic of what you have been reading and how you’re feeling about it with no need for editing because it something that is private and just for yourself.

Some favourite recommendations;

Ellen Raskin ‘the Westing game’

Mark Burnell’s ‘the rhythm section’ 

Patrick Rothfuss’ ‘the name of the wind’

Alternately for severe negativity, mind chatter and grief, try these laugh-out loud offerings;

Jasper Fforde ‘The Eyre Affair’

John Birmingham ‘Tasmanian babes fiasco ‘

Helen Fielding ‘Olivia Joules and the overactive imagination’

Consciousness raising, spiritual material?

Marlo Morgan ‘Mutant message down under ‘

Stephanie Meyer ‘the host’

The Message bible

Laugh all you like, my guilty pleasure is Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy.
So now you know. 😊